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10 Amazing websites you didn’t know
Checkout the sexy 10 Amazing websites you didn’t know, most amazing sexy 10 Amazing websites you didn’t know you will ever see.
Thanks for visiting, This post consists of 10 Amazing websites you didn’t know. Hope you all enjoy it and don’t forget to like & share these with your friends.
10. Poolside FM
Poolside FM is an online radio station, playing an infinity pool of summer sounds. And all in a nostalgic jacket, as if you were working on an old Windows 3.11.
09. Have I been Pwned
This nifty Have I Been Pwned allows you to search across multiple data breaches to see if your email address has been compromised.
08. Radio Garden
Radio Garden allows you to listen to thousands of live radio stations worldwide by rotating the globe. Every green dot represents a city or town.
Radio Garden
07. You know what you’re signing?
If you never read the terms of service this website might be for you. It’s called Terms of Service; Didn’t read and it basically grades wIf you never read the terms of service this website might be for you. It’s called Terms of Service; Didn’t read and it basically grades websites in classes and gives you a summary of everything you agreeing to and how they use your data.
Terms of Service – Didn’t read
06. Relive the games from your childhood
If you are a kid from the nineties, two thousand then this website will give you a nostalgic feeling. The oldgamesdownload website is full of old games from that period. Enjoy!
Old Games Download
05. Quick, Draw!
If you are bad at drawing then quick, draw might be for you. A google robot tries to guess your drawing skills in twenty seconds or less.
Quick, Draw
04. Unlock some memories
Go back to the 1990’s via this nostalgic TV simulator and relive the original ads, music videos, movie trailers, shows and more
MY 90s TV
03. Tune Find
Tunefind contains an index of music and songs appearing in popular television shows and movies. Find a song, or see where an artists music has been
02. Create your own bar
Simply add the ingredients you have at home and this website show you the cocktails you can make.
Make me a cocktail
01. How to get free WiFi
When you’re ever at an airport without internet. Go to google ans search for ” google airport wifi” then click on the first link. Find the airport where you are on the map, and it will give you all the WiFi passwords in that airport.
Google’s Free Airport WiFi
If you have or know a nice website yourself.., let us know and we will be happy to write a new article.
The post 10 Amazing websites you didn’t know appeared first on Badchix Magazine.