Checkout the great 45 Sexy and Hot Olivia Thirlby Pictures – Bikini, Ass, Boobs, most amazing sexy 45 Sexy and Hot Olivia Thirlby Pictures – Bikini, Ass, Boobs you will ever see.
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You may not remember her being in the movie, Juno. Still, Olivia Thirlby surely captivated the hearts of the viewers with her charming smile and series of films lined up throughout her career as an actress. With the versatility that sexy actress, she was able to pull off those naked roles and physically-draining stunts. She also needed to maintain her bikini body so that she can move well while being in character. To see more of Olivia Thirlby’s photos, check out our compilation here.
Olivia Jo Thirlby or Olivia Thirlby, as many knew her, was born in New York on the 6th of October, 1986. She spent most of her childhood in the East Village of Manhattan and finished high school with only a few students. Olivia already knew what was going to be her career. So, right after high school, she enrolled at the French Woods Festival of the Performing Arts. She also took classes at several performing arts schools, including the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts and the American Globe Theatre.
Thirlby’s career officially started when she played a lead role in the French thriller movie, The Secret. But in 2006, she already landed a small part in the film, United 93. She also appeared in the undocumented short film, Unlocked.
Within 2007, Thirlby already got four movie projects lined up. Although she only had a small role in the movie, Juno, she still did her best to portray her character as Leah. In 2008, Olivia starred in another film called The Wackness as Stephanie Squires. But 2009 was her busiest year as she appeared in six films. Olivia first appeared in the anthology film, ‘New York, I Love You’ in the segment, ‘Brett Ratner’. Then she had small roles in the movie, The Answer Man and Uncertainty.
While doing movie projects, Olivia also appeared in TV shows. Her first TV appearance was in the crime-drama series, Kidnapped, where she played the character Aubrey Cain for five episodes. In 2009, Olivia guest-starred the TV series called Bored to Death, in four episodes.
Olivia’s first voice role was on the TV series, Good Vibes, which premiered in 2011. She played the voice of the main character, Jeena. From 2011 to 2012, Olivia played several guest roles and short appearances in both TV and films. It was until late in 2012 that she portrayed a lead role for the movie, Dredd. Many loved her performance in the film. Her versatility even got tested when she needed to flaunt her boobs and ass.
After her successful role in Dredd, Olivia became the main cast in the TV series, Goliath.

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