……. these crass videos need an R18 restriction on them. How are these types of videos supposed to be of benefit to society and to young and immature teenage minds.
They're too suggestive and inappropriate for societies much younger members and should have restrictions on them.
Totally unsuitable for GP viewing and YouTube needs to lift its viewing standards.
60% of the worlds population is 5yrs old to teens + 16 yr olds.
Where are the social benefits and educational value in wobbling a big fat pumpkin ar$e !!!
Very shallow and unsuitable videos for GP viewing !!!
That Booty tho!! Had me ready to join the session had 2 watch 3x sheessssh I liked!! I love dance
Há!!!! Esse espetáculo deveria ser feito aqui no Brasil com nossas lindas bailarinas!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best twerk I've seen
Those purple shorts….damn girl yous fine and got the moves!.
Put that on my face whatever wherever whenever my god!
Great job girls
Que rico te mueves baby

After seeing this I started to stare every single butts..maybe I would become a lesbian..
I fucking love her
Honestly it looks like this would be very good & fun way to exercise!
Damn she got that good giggly
Your a amazing , my ol lady's idle
Gosh that sure look good!
Why cant I stop staring!
tutoral plz???!
I just want to meet you DAM!
The real queen of twerk she’s undefeated
You dance like you don't have bones
Mmm looking good
Is like her bums is talking
Like damn okay. It reminds me of a long day at work and my starving stomach sees groceries everywhere

I love how you’re always on beat wit it too!

Make one with ure private part showig
Married with her? Noooooo fuckkkk every day and all fucking hours yeah good deam
La del medio del pantalon medio rosa, pasa insta guapa
That girl in the middle be breaking hearts with those moves
……. these crass videos need an R18 restriction on them. How are these types of videos supposed to be of benefit to society and to young and immature teenage minds.
They're too suggestive and inappropriate for societies much younger members and should have restrictions on them.
Totally unsuitable for GP viewing and YouTube needs to lift its viewing standards.
60% of the worlds population is 5yrs old to teens + 16 yr olds.
Where are the social benefits and educational value in wobbling a big fat pumpkin ar$e !!!
Very shallow and unsuitable videos for GP viewing !!!

Damm that's alot of booty
Lil booties DO matter!

Dança muitooh
Stop and pause vid @ 0.51sec.
Saw that pussy lol
Mash potato who
The first group, girl to the right!! What's yo name

White girl know to work that ass

She good twerker for a white girl. But I like mizz twerk sum way more better
Im in love.
Hold my beer , aye twerk that booty in my face
I need to dance here I fit in Soo good