Let’s celebrate 1M on my instagram page Many thanks to J. Balvin for posting this video
Hope you guys will enjoy the full version
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#twerk #twerking #jbalvin #reggaeton #nastyanass
Oh my God you are sexy! DAMN
Malditas nalgas
Look at the clock in the back!!!!! Started at 3 and ends around 315 or so!!! That ass can fast forward through time. I wanna see the time we missed damn it!!!
I love ur back
você é um desenho no céu,que deus pintou e jogou o papel, linda e gostosa.
Damn brruuuh
If i have a luck one day i will have sex with her

Esta Mamita es un regalo del cielo y este es mi video favorito. Te Amo Nestya!!

Gostosa de mais
@Nastya Nass teach my wife how to move her booty like this!! “PLEASE”
You are so good on this things can l be your future husband
Bundinha linda
damn girlllll
Sou mulher hetero mas essa moça me desvia xiiiiiiii
Bonita gostosa linda maravilhosa
can’t help but to watch all your videos

A 2800 desnalgadas que no lo saben hacer no les gustó el video
Nice ass
deslike por falda com chumbo que me aburrio
Women are so lucky we dont have the power to do anything like this unless we have money or very high status women are impressed or turned on automatically
I have much trouble not giving every single one of her videos thumbs up… That’s not the only thing she gets up!!
Love it mwaah
Lucky husband.
I love you
Che culo meraviglioso
Sei la migliore tutto il resto è noia
Is she a goddest?
Tooo Hot
Ladies take notes
she’s barefoot
in the kitchen shaking it! 

Boring af. She has no skills
Mi amor

Queria ter vc aqui agora gata faria loucuras neste corpinho delicioso
beijos delicia 
Vc gata mexe gostoso di mais linda turbinada
will u marry me
2019 y esto es el diablo…
Lucky your camera man