Checkout the amazing Ryanair For A Budget Airline They Still Have Some Of The Fittest Stewardesses In The World, most amazing sexy Ryanair For A Budget Airline They Still Have Some Of The Fittest Stewardesses In The World you will ever see.
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Ryanair without a doubt is one of the most controversial airlines out there mainly down to it’s employee conditions and heavy use of extra charges, but all that aside the budget airline which was founded in 1984 still operates more than 400 Boeing 737-800 aircraft and with 38 countries throughout Europe being served makes it one of the most competitive airlines out there. But what would an airline be without it’s cabin crew, they greet you they take care of you they serve you, and Ryanair definitely has it’s share of cabin crew beauties and lets face it on a no frills flight you need some eye candy! Check out 23 of their hottest crew.

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