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Sleeping in the nude has some amazing advantages (8 Photos)
Checkout the amazing Sleeping in the nude has some amazing advantages (8 Photos), most amazing sexy Sleeping in the nude has some amazing advantages (8 Photos) you will ever see.
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When it comes to catching your Z’s, everyone has their own rituals and preferences. Among the most important of those rituals is what you wear to bed. Are you an old school two-piece pajama kind of person? Maybe you prefer the comfort and security of sleeping in your undies? One prevailing preference, however, seems to be sleeping au-natural…For those people, the math is simple:
Sleeping naked + a great mattress + soft sheets = the best sleep of your life. It’s a basic equation of comfort.
Our friends at Lull Mattress are helping us make sure our comfort math is right and that we’re getting the best, most comfortable sleep possible. So, here are some scientifically backed reasons why sleeping skin-on-sheets, might just be your best option.
Not a naked sleeper and wondering how normal it really is? According to this survey, more than half of people sleep in the buff. Though in my experience women tend to prefer the naked experience, lucky me, the survey leaned toward men with almost 60% revealing they sleep naked, as opposed to almost 56% for women.
Also exposed by the survey, is the fact that those in a relationship, but not married slept naked most frequently (74%), while married people (54.7%) and singles (49.2%) slept nude significantly less. You can’t tell me this isn’t a sex thing. This has to be a sex thing, right? More on that later!
If so many people prefer going clothes-less, there must be some great reasons why, right? Well, for starters, sleeping in the nude is just more comfortable. You don’t have to worry about bunching and pinching and all other sorts of ing’s that are really unkind to your sensitive bits.Looks like at least 5.7% have been paying attention.
If you’re a hot sleeper, losing the clothes can help you in several ways. First, no one likes waking up drenched in sweat. Second, keeping your body cool helps you sleep more soundly, and according to IFL Science, staying cool while you sleep leads to more deep sleep.
Our buddies at Lull thought of this too, and use gel-infused memory foam in their mattresses to help keep you cool at night. With a cool mattress + sleeping in your birthday suit, you’ll even lower your electricity bill by not having to crank up the A/C every night. Your bank account and your sex life, now I’ve got your attention.
For all the germophobes and health freaks out there, sleeping in the raw helps you stay cleaner. Wearing underwear to bed has been shown to create a prime habitat for bacteria, upping your chances for infections. According to Melissa Radzimski, sleeping naked keeps her privates “pristine.” Melissa said, “It is so refreshing because she needs to be aired out!”
As promised earlier, let’s get to the stuff you really care about: Sleeping naked can have a dramatic effect on your sex life. The previously mentioned survey found that people who sleep without clothing may have twice as much sex as their clothed counterparts. They also just slept better, probably due to exhaustion from all the sex.
Now that we’ve discussed the merits of sleeping naked, let’s talk about where you lay your beautiful naked body down. Everyone gets all red in the face about thread count, but the best sheets in the world aren’t gonna be any good if you’re not sleeping on the right mattress. Whether you like your bed cloud-soft, or brick-firm, Lull is the mattress for you because it’s the perfect combination of both. Combine that with sleeping in the nude and you’ve got yourself the perfect night’s sleep.
Take your sleep back this holiday and get advanced sleep technology delivered to your door, at a fraction of the price of traditional retail mattress stores. Our buddies at Lull are offering $150 OFF for a limited time! Plus Free Shipping to your door, and a 100 night risk-free trial in your home. Only downside is you won’t ever want to get out of bed. Sweet deal, sweet dreams.
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