What Should You Do Before Becoming Exclusive?

What Should You Do Before Becoming Exclusive? 1

It takes time to build a healthy and loving relationship, but if the relationship is built on a solid foundation, it will be much easier. This is why it is important to talk about certain things when you are still in the dating stage of a relationship. In this way, you know you are all on the same page and want something similar as you progress.


This can be a little scary because you don’t want to talk about heavy, serious topics that scare away your date, such as how many children they want for the first date. However, it is not wrong to be an open and honest attitude towards what you want and do it in a relaxed and no-pressure manner.


If you want to become exclusive with someone, then you should feel that you can always talk like this; and you should not feel uncomfortable. If so, then you may need to slow down and build your communication up a bit.


Here are a few things you need to talk about before becoming exclusive.


Your expectations.

Many people avoid such conversations from the beginning because they do not want to show too eagerly too early. But if you think about it, isn’t it a bit childish? What’

s wrong with laying your cards out the table and telling others that what you are looking for is serious, rather than just a casual dating? If it’s important to you, then it’s important, period. Even if you think they are the same as what you want, you are not sure unless you say it. So be sure to express your needs and expectations in a calm way.


What is your plan for next year?

When you become exclusive, it means that both of you are bringing each other into your lives in a longer way. They will meet family members, friends, colleagues, and even extended families. This is why it is important to talk about your future plans for next year. If one of you is going to work abroad, or backpacking in South America for three months, then the other person should know so that they can decide whether they want to continue their efforts to make this relationship work.


Both people need to know what they are going to do from the beginning. Honesty is the best policy


What are your goals and dreams?

It is possible for both of you to have different goals, but if they are inconsistent or completely missing, it will seriously hinder the progress of your relationship. So, be upfront about where you both see your lives going and what your dreams are for the future.


How much time and commitment are you willing to pay?

Everyone is different and has different needs in a relationship. Some people are happy to meet once or twice a week from the beginning, while others want to spend more time together.


Depending on what your rest of your life is like, the time you can invest (at least at the beginning) will be different. One of you may have a job that is intense, demanding, flexible, or requires a lot of travel. Before moving on to the next stage, figure out how much time you are willing to pay and whether you are all fine with it.


Have they ever been cheated?

Understanding a person’s behavior in a previous relationship is a good way to determine what kind of partner he/she is to you. That being said, people do and can change as they grow older and wiser; but if they have been unfaithful to past partners or been abusive, it’s likely that they will repeat the same pattern with you.


It’s not rude to ask these questions. If someone is really interested in you, they can answer honestly and reassure you. We both know it’s not easy to maintain a relationship. If you haven’t not found your partner yet, don’t worry! Hereby we would like to introduce some hot Asian ladies for you. 



The first lady is Ms Joyce, who is a a 43 year old lady from Hengyang, China. She’s looking for a nice, good and caring man.

Ms L1692077-Joyce

What Should You Do Before Becoming Exclusive?



The second lady is Ms zuozuo, a 47-year-old lady who comes from Chengdu, China. She works as a lawyer. She looks for an open-minded, humorous and responsible man. She mentions that she really expects to have a sweet family with life partner.

Ms L3265653-zuozuo

What Should You Do Before Becoming Exclusive?



The last lady is Ms Janie, a 58-year-old lady who comes from Wuhan, China. She describes herself as an open-minded person, who likes to try all kinds of new things. She also looks for a romantic man in her life.

Ms L3499279-Janie , 58

What Should You Do Before Becoming Exclusive?


After seeing those mature ladies, not sure which lady can catch your eyes?  If you want to know more about them, all you have to do is click on their profile name. For more special and beautiful women, you can visit Whispark and sign up your new account!

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